Saturday, September 17, 2016

Virtual Reality and its application in the field of gaming

When it comes to gaming, we have come a long way regarding technological advancements. Back in the day, video games were as simple as connecting two dots, that too with a pixelated graphics format. 

Now, almost every kid in the block has access to a beast of a gaming PC capable of running even the most demanding of games at ease. In recent times, one of the most advanced pieces of technology in the gaming world comes in the form of Virtual Reality or VR as it is called in short. 

What Is It?

It is a form of technology which is capable of stimulating your brain into interacting with a made up environment which is completely virtual. You perceive your surroundings to be something which is not real and can interact with it the way you choose. 

The means of interaction is usually something like a keyboard and mouse, a game pad or even a special type of glove. Accessories for such communication include specialized headsets, helmets, suits and other different types of gear. 

The Potential

Potentially, this is something that can be well and truly the definitive form of entertainment. While it is still early in concept, numerous instances of this technology have been released in the market. Perhaps the most well-renowned one is the 'Oculus Rift'.

Released only in 2016, it has already seen some promising games made for it. Some of the best include:

· Chronos
· Bullet Train
· Windlands
· Elite: Dangerous
· The Climb
· Edge of Nowhere

Not only this, there are tonnes of already released games being tested for use in VR platforms too. So as you can see, the potential is enormous.


As mentioned before, this is still a work in progress and something that has only recently been in work. Hardware issues are still a thing which is pretty evident from the level of graphics that have been displayed in VR games.

A lot of work is still to be done, and people are focused on doing it in a manner which is efficient. In time, we will see the true potential of this technology and what it can provide.


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